Read this ....... if you DARE!

I’m so sick and tired of people whining about the sad loss of our Rhino – the latest two in KwaZulu Natal brings the total deaths so far this year to 389.  In a high-pitched nasal whine:  “What are we going to tell our children?” and “This is just so dreadful.” and “Are they going to wait until they’re all gone before they do something?”  Well I’m saying: Why the hell should “they” do anything at all.  What are YOU doing?

After having realised that I am not able to throw much money at the various hard working charities and there’s just no way I can climb in my car and head off to the game farms to help to physically catch these cowards I searched my soul to see how I could make a difference and realised that it was simple: boycott all the products from all the countries that deal in and with Rhino Horn.

And back to these simpering, whimpering folk who cry crocodile tears with each loss of a Rhino’s life.  Do they drive cars or carry cell phones from Korea and Vietnam?  Do they wear shoes and clothing made in India and Malaysia?  Do their children play with Chinese toys?  Do they plan holidays to Taiwan?  Yes they do!! And my message to them is this: grow a backbone!  The basic necessities are found right where you are, in your country.  If enough people start boycotting these ignorant countries they may start to listen.

But it’s just too much of a schlep, isn’t it?  One friend exclaimed “But do you realise that 90% of products in South Africa are from China and surrounding countries?!?!?”  So what???  I’m not telling you to throw out existing purchases I’m just suggesting that you make a conscious decision not to purchase anything from today that is produced in a country that deals in and with Rhino Horn.

My message is simple: stop supporting these ignoramuses, support your local entrepreneurs (or anywhere else that doesn’t trade in or with Rhino Horn); or else stop pretending to care.  Come on everybody, we CAN make a difference.  Who’s with me?

Stop supporting China, Korea, India, Malaysia, Taiwan and Vietnam – find alternative sources for whatever products you require.  And, if you like, you can visit and like my facebook page for regular updates and encouragement.

Let’s stand up and be counted .......... for our Rhinos sake.


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