
The old year was clearly very tired and sent a totally rambunctious wind in an attempt to blow us towards the new year quickly.  I had to dash out to the bank and do a spot of anniversary present buying (wh ever decided on the themes for anniversary presents should be shot at dawn), so I plaited my hair into a French plait that was so tight that my ears were almost touching at the back of my head.  Did this help?  Not one bit!  Within five seconds of stepping outside I looked a little like a cat that had gotten one helluva fright.

The afternoon was chilled with Séan leaving to trawl the malls on his anniversary preset buying adventure whilst Jerry and I played games and started preparing for our traditional New Years Party with the Maraiseses.

The night blew in rather quickly and not long after Chris left for his New Years gig we also departed with trays of snacks, a well stocked cooler bag and ourselves all bright eyed and bushy tailed in anticipation of a good evening.

The parties at the Maraiseses are legendary and this one was no different.  This year there were fewer folk but this did not make it any less festive.  The earlier evening started off predictably slowly and saw much debate about every kind during of issue whilst Jerry charmed her way around the adults and managed to eke a few games of Who Is It? out of Jenny Two.  By the time midnight rolled around things were hotting up and we danced and partied and drank way too much until the sun came up.  I got to loudly sing Bohemian Rhapsody with the only fella in the universe who sings so badly that he is able to make me sing off key.  A few cups of coffee and a last visit amongst the folk who hadn’t fallen asleep yet, being me and Séan, Jenny One and Jeremy the Notorious Singer and we were on our way home with a sparkly Jerry who had slept wonderfully for nearly seven hours.  We rolled in at around 08h00, as is customary after one of the Maraiseses famous parties.

Suffice to say that yesterday passed in a blur and I slept a lot and spent time peering down the toilet and the Four Cousins (wine makers) were not my favourite folk in the universe.  My liver was seriously contemplating heading off to find another body to live in.  It was only late in the evening that I began to feel human once again and managed a few salty crackers for my supper.  Séan and I will celebrate our anniversary today – although we exchanged gifts yesterday I was in no fit state to (a) be any fun at a restaurant and (b) consume anything other than crackers.  Hee Hee – all to myself I did it. **grin**

Herewith pics of some of my anniversary presents: a bling elephant, a silver wine glass and a stunningly spoilt-girl amethyst and zirconia ring.  Six years! It’s amazing what a man can stand. **grin**  But seriously, I am very lucky to be married to the most amazing man in the universe!

Happy Year!!! J


  1. Wow, sounds like you all had a great time, Happy Anniversary to you both, what a wonderful example of togetherness you are showing your gorgeous Jerry! Love and hugs. xx

    1. Aw Shazzie - I'm just sorry we didn't get to see you guys this year. It's been so incredibly rushed. Sjoe! Please give our love to Jess. :-)


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