All good things come to an end and it seems our holiday was no different. The last official day was supposed to be spent at Granger Bay but because Jerry and I had worn our party-animal hats the night before (Jerry with her new friends and I with mine) and we’d only rolled in at 02h00 – the day started slowly.
We had a lovely lunch with Michelle and chatted, at length, about her big adventure. She’s off to Japan for a month in April. How enthralling! I’m awfully proud of her. She’s finished her Honours now and because of her immense interest in all things Japanese she has worked really hard and saved even harder and wants to spend a month in Japan during cherry blossom season. Wow!
Then began the tedious task of packing. Foof! And for some reason or another we had accumulated a lot more than we came down with and I needed to borrow a suitcase from poor Chris and we booked an extra bag on Kulula – at least they have that facility.
And our final day of holiday began at 03h30 when we leapt up to pack the last few things and head off to the airport. Kulula were, unfortunately, not having their finest moment and we and a handful of other travellers were sent to the wrong boarding gate. Thank heavens Séan realised that there was something wrong and off we dashed to the correct boarding gate. They left us standing on the transfer bus for an awfully long time causng my poor Séan’s sugar level to drop. Fortunately he carries glucose sweets and munched on a few of those.
The flight was uneventful although I was struck with a rather sad epiphany just before we landed. The ‘plane had descended to the extent that I could see the properties below that we were travelling over but from the height we were at it looked as though none of them had any fences around them – least of all the usual 8 foot electricity and razor wire clad fences that are common in Gauteng. And I thought, “Wouldn’t it be wonderful if things were really like this?” Sigh!
But it was wonderful to get home to our babies. They were soooo excited to see us ... well at least the doggies were. The birds weren’t talking to us for a few hours – they’re funny like that.
So that was it. Our holiday in a few teeny nutshells. And what a lovely holiday it was.
Happy Day!!! J
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