2018: Get Off Your Butt and Make It Happen

I’m sick to death of the folk who moan and groan at the end of each year about just how catastrophic the year has been for them and how they hope the following year will be a better one and full of miraculous crap like rainbows, success, health and wealth.  Here’s a news flash: 2017 was a time period.  It was a gift handed to YOU to do with as you please.  How did you use that priceless, non-refundable gift?

And I’m not talking about those who have really experienced a dreadful year.  I’ve had one or two of those in my life and I can testify that they aren’t easy.  This blog is for Joe Socks who celebrates the New Year and then stands with a simpering smile waiting for fabulous things to happen to them.  And then eleven months later they start whining about the fact that nothing wonderful happened.

I’m here to tell you to suck it up, Cupcake.  Life doesn’t work that way.  You get given a year, for free, to do with as you please.  It’s up to YOU to get off your butt and make sure it’s incredible.

Let me explain: I made every effort during 2017 to attain certain goals I’d set for myself.  And I worked blooming hard to achieve them.  Some goals I smashed, some goals aren’t ready to be celebrated yet.  But I did good: I lost weight, got fitter, accomplished phenomenal feats (for me anyway) and I worked towards changing my mindset.  I’m really chuffed with what I have achieved.  Hold on!!  Read that one again: “I’m really chuffed with what I have achieved.”  Not with what landed in my lap.   Not with what some distant gods deigned to bestow on me.  With what I achieved.

But I digress.  This morning I was discharged from hospital after spending nearly four days there.  And I’m not out of the woods yet.  I’m sick and the doctors don’t know precisely with what or how to fix it yet.  And I could wear my saddest puppy dog face and bemoan the fact that 2017 has thrown me a curve ball and that all is dreadful and life is unfair and I “hope 2018 is going to be better to me and full of unicorn farts and champagne”, but that would mean denying that, in fact, I took charge of my year and I made it an awesome one.  And yes, life sends set backs.  They’re what make us stronger.  They’re what teach us what we ARE capable of.  But that doesn’t mean 2017 is ruined.

Look back on your year.  Pick out two or three things that you achieved, received, attempted, changed and celebrate them.  Then sit down and decide how you’re going to make 2018 rock.  It isn’t going to rock itself – that’s entirely up to you.  How you use your year and every day given to you is your problem.  You can sit back and wait for it to happen … and be severely disappointed when it doesn’t or you can stand up, take control and work towards making it a shining year that stands out as a flipping phenomenal one.  Wake up sunshine!! You aren’t getting any younger.  What are YOU going to do with 2018?

Happy Day!


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