
I had promised Jerry that we would go to the beach early in the morning but (1) the day before had been a long one (2) Chris’ foster cat thought new folks in the house was novel and spent the night running up and down us while we tried to sleep (3) I completely forgot to set my alarm clock so ......

...... I only woke up at 08h00.

The beach was really lekker, though.  It was nice and cool and although we saw weather approaching it went west and didn’t stop shining once.  We got a teensy bit sunburnt but nothing we can’t handle.

The beach we chose was quite quiet when we got there and gradually got busier.  The amount of larger chicks t
hat arrived (some scarily in bikinis) made me feel somewhat skinny and we had a good morning ... except when Jerry got too adventurous and earned a mouthful of sea water.

The arvie was spent cleaning up a bit and generally chilling.  Supper at the pub at Mountain View Farm (the name of the pub escapes me) while we watched the sunset finished off a splendid day.

Oooh and a completely uncharacteristic thunderstorm in the wee hours saw all the doggies in the vicinity howling and all the kitties dashing indoors.

Happy Day! J


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