My Name is Lynda and I'm a Pi Mom
Hello, my name is Lynda and I’m a Pi Mom. What is a Pi Mom, you ask? Well, I went from being a full-time Mom to an obsolete Mom in 3.14159265 seconds when my Jerry and her person, Keegan moved to another province ±1,400km away. I’d like to think I gave her the guidance and courage to spread her wings and fly, I just didn’t realise how successful she’d be and how little she’d need me. The abruptness sent me reeling. I can remember, while growing up, hearing adults mentioning the words “empty nest”. There wasn’t much talk about it, no details or advice, but usually it would be said with a sadistic, wry smile or just as a matter of fact, almost as though it was taboo to discuss or speak about it. So when my nest became “empty” it was a swift and painful slap in the chops and, because nobody discusses it, I found myself floundering in deep water without the knowhow of how to swim out. Nobody warned me about the pain, the loneliness, the guilt and the...