
Showing posts from October, 2018

Coffee at it's Worst

After having decided to treat myself with a post-payday-Friday indulgence I attended one of the coffee shops in Sandton City.  My experience was nasty and this is the letter I've just written to the head office.  If I don't receive an appropriate response I shall be blazoning their name all over social media. " I had a very unpleasant experience at your Sandton City branch this morning and thought I should bring it to your attention in order to hopefully prevent other customers from experiencing similar situations. Upon arriving at the counter there were four staff in attendance.  The one lady, the cashier, looked at me and then walked away and started talking to the other lady.  After a while she walked back but seemed to be very involved with the cash till.  Eventually she looked straight past me and asked me how I was.  I am still waiting for a smile or an appropriate “good morning”. I placed my order: a cappuccino and a muffin.  I had to a...