A Sad Disposition
“Misery loves company” so the saying goes, but I’d like to explore a different angle of misery. I know a (fortunately small) handful of people who seem to revel in misery. They enjoy being depressed, they enjoy it when things go badly for them and I would go so far as to say that they attract bad circumstances to themselves just so that they can be grumpy. Now this way of thinking I just don’t understand. If anything, I tend to be on the opposite end of the spectrum and, being eternally optimistic, I tend to find the positive in bad situations and I hate being depressed. I will make every effort to wend my way out of the doldrums, no matter how long it takes. Now I know that I can’t expect everyone I meet to have a sunny disposition. But I just don’t get the concept of enjoying being miserable. One of my friends will say something positive probably about one time in one hundred. And she’s a nice lady: intelligent, very pretty, has a well paying job but she just finds the negative i...